

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:38845
  • 论文编号:el202203231312540
  • 日期:2022-05-27
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.3 The Significance of the Study

This study combines micro-video resources into middle school English listeningteaching, which enriches the application research of multimedia teaching in middleschool English to a certain extent. This study analyzes the feasibility of usingmicro-video teaching resources. Through the design, practice, analysis, and summaryof specific cases, the author hopes to provide some references for teachers in Englishlistening teaching in the future. Therefore, this study has not only theoreticalsignificance but also practical significance.

1.3.1 Theoretical Significance

English classroom teaching should follow the relationship between listening andspeaking, reading and writing, listening and speaking, that is, the relationship betweeninput and output. Therefore, in English teaching, we should pay attention to input. Formiddle school students, abstract logic thinking is dominant, but concrete imagethinking is still the pillar. Therefore, teachers should make the teaching content livelyand create an efficient and attractive teaching situation in teaching design.Micro-video is a kind of digital micro-content resource with personality, vitality, andvisual permeability. The characteristic fits well with the psychological characteristicsof students who like movies and TV.

In this study, micro-video resources were combined with English listeningteaching in middle school, which made a beneficial exploration and provided a new idea for related research. From student's point of view, this teaching method isdifferent from traditional classroom teaching, and it can catch the learner's attention toa certain extent. Students have a clear learning goal and actively mobilize themovement of the eyes, ears, mouth, brain, and other organs, so that they can focustheir attention, and keep their enthusiasm and energy in learning English. From theteacher's point of view, teachers must change the traditional teaching mode and payattention to teaching content and teaching methods. Finally, the use of micro-videoteaching resources has put forward higher requirements for teachers' teaching ability.

Chapter Three Research Design

3.1 Research Questions

In order to provide a new teaching idea for listening teaching, this study ismainly to explore the effectiveness of micro-video in middle school English listeningteaching. It also provides some reference materials for the application of micro-videoin teaching. The following are the research questions and hypotheses involved in thisstudy.

(1) Can micro videos help students improve their listening ability in middleschool English listening classes?

Independent sample T test is used to verify whether the application ofmicro-video in middle school English listening class can improve the listening levelof students.

(2) Can micro video stimulate students?

Interview method and questionnaire survey are used to test whether microvideo can stimulate students.

Based on the research questions and hypotheses, there is two null hypotheseswhich will be advanced in this research.

Hypotheses1: Micro-videos can stimulate students in middle school English listeningclasses.

Null hypotheses1: There is no difference in stimulate students in middle schoolEnglish listening classes by English teaching with micro-videos and traditionalEnglish teaching.

Hypotheses2: Micro-videos can help students improve their listening ability inmiddle school English listening classes.

Null hypotheses2: There is no difference in improving their listening ability inmiddle school English listening classes by English teaching with micro-videos andtraditional English teaching.

Chapter Four Results and Discussion

4.1 Results and Discussion of the Questionnaires

At the beginning of the study, 102 questionnaires were given to students in boththe control and experimental classes. The pre-test questionnaire is similar to thepost-test questionnaire. The main purpose is to test the second hypothesis: microvideos can enhance students' interest in learning. To a certain extent, the questionnairetest also helps researchers to recognize the problems and difficulties existing instudents' listening learning, find out students' needs, and better carry out listeningteaching.

Before issuing the questionnaire, the reliability and validity of the questionnairesurvey should be checked to test the relevance and credibility of the questions in thequestionnaire. According to the analysis data, it is shown as follows:


4.2 Results and Discussion of the Test

Both the experimental class’s and controlled class’s listening scores weretransmitted into the software SPSS 21.0 to make comparisons. There are two aspectsof this stage: one within class and the other between classes.

4.2.1 Results and discussion of the Pre-test and Post-test within Each Class

No matter whether significant differences exist between the pre-test and post-testof experiment class and controlled class, the author used the independent samplest-test to analyze the data. Nowadays, many researchers use t-test in scientific researchto make comparisons widely. So the author use t-test to make analysis separatelywithin class in the experimental class and controlled class to show the progressstudents have made in their learning. In this statistical process, a 95% level ofconfidence is decided for a parameter and the significance level is set as .o5, whichare commomly used by educational researchers. Here is the detailed data (Duan,2014).


Chapter Five Conclusion

5.1 Major Findings of the Study

Based on micro-learning theory and audiovisual theory, this study collectedrelevant data of micro-video at home and abroad. It can be seen that micro-video hasresearch value and practical significance. Then combined with the actual teachingexperience, this paper discusses the influence of micro-video teaching resources onmiddle school English teaching. Through research, the author has proved thatmicro-video has a positive and significant impact on students' listening level. After theapplication of micro-video teaching resources in middle school English listeningteaching, students' listening ability has been improved to a certain extent. The essenceof this paper is to discuss how to ensure the reasonable and efficient use ofmicro-video. The author selects the Section A in unit 6 of "I'm going to StudyComputer Science" in the first volume of the eighth grade English textbook of PepEdition. The main content of the study is two sentence patterns, including "What doyou ant to be when you grow up?" And "How are you going to do that?". Throughteaching cases, this paper analyzes the teaching effect of micro-video in Englishlistening teaching. Finally, the author comes to some basic conclusions. On the onehand, the use of micro-video can stimulate students' interest in learning English. Makethe boring listening teaching visualized, improve the efficiency of the class. On theother hand, appropriate micro video can also help to learn language knowledge pointsand preview. Most students hope to learn English by watching micro-videos, somicro-videos as classroom teaching resources are a popular means of Englishlistening teaching. Based on these findings, the authors attempt to explore a simplemode of applying micro-video teaching resources to English teaching by combiningtraditional listening teaching mode. Teachers can not completely get rid of the traditional English listening teaching mode, in order to ensure the effectiveness ofmiddle school English listening teaching. The innovation of this research is mainlyreflected in the following three aspects: first, it adapts to the development trend ofminiaturization, personalization and interactivity of teaching resources. This study isbased on the psychological characteristics of middle school students and the law ofEnglish learning. Secondly, in view of the existing problems in English listeningteaching, this paper conducts an empirical research on the application mode ofmicro-video in English listening teaching. The research results are scientific andaccurate, providing an effective reference for the improvement of micro-videoteaching resources. Thirdly, in English listening teaching, the author not only usesmicro-video teaching resources, but also combines them with the traditional listeningteaching mode. Appropriate micro-video teaching resources can not only injectunlimited vitality into middle school English teaching, but also bring substantialchanges in classroom teaching effect. In middle school English listening teaching, theapplication of micro-video teaching resources has effectively improved the listeninglevel of students. It is a new teaching method worth popularizing. However, whenteachers use micro-video teaching resources to conduct English listening teaching,they still need to combine with traditional listening teaching mode. Teachers can notcompletely get rid of the traditional English listening teaching mode, in order toensure the effectiveness of middle school English listening teaching.








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