

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:47588
  • 论文编号:el2022031723490230236
  • 日期:2022-03-17
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.2 Research objectives and significance

The purpose of this study is to explore how to enhance cultural awarenessthrough English teaching to alleviate the current situation of China’s middle schoolstudents’ cultural awareness problems.

It is the intercultural cognition, attitude and behavioral orientation of studentsunder the background of globalization. Most middle school students have thetendency of lack of cognition, interest and awareness of traditional Chinese culture.They have no interest in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, such as traditionalvirtues, traditional festivals, literary classics, poems and poems. They have littleknowledge of the social and cultural customs, etiquette and common sense ofEnglish-speaking countries, and They cannot use English cultural thinking and valuesto understand and use English.


Chapter Three The Current Situation and CulturalTeaching Design

3.1 The current situation of culture teaching in high school Englishcourses

Yang(2018) studied the current situation of the English cultural teaching insenior high school by the means of questionnaire, interview with teachers, textbookanalysis and classroom observation. It is concluded that the level of students’ Englishculture competence is low but the students’ attitude towards English awareness aregood. As for the factors, it could be absolutely concluded that students, teachers andschools all affect the cultivation of English cultural awareness. These features of thecurrent situation could be concluded into the following aspects.

First, most students are interested in cultures and have a correct understanding inculture teaching. Of course, students who are eager to know more about Englishculture keep a positive attitude towards English culture. Hu Liuyue(2013) discoveredthat students’ cross-cultural competence was improved with the help of sets of Englishawareness cultivation while students’ English learning ability have been improved too.For example, they all propose the necessity of cultural teaching, be positive about theexpectation of cultural teaching and hope to introduce more cultural contents inEnglish classes. Although they realized the importance of cultural teachingunderstanding, they could not have opportunities to reinforce and internalize theirexisting cultural knowledge with some relevant guides. Thus, teachers need to beprepared to help students keep in touch with cultural knowledge, experience theEnglish cultural atmosphere and then effectively improve their English culturecompetence as what they have expected.

Chapter Five Results and Analysis

5.1 Results and analysis on Examinations

This study uses SPSS22.0 to analyze the results of the four examinations (paper(1), paper (2), paper (A) and paper (B) ). The results are as follows:

5.1.1 Results and Analysis of the Pre-test

Before the test, paper (1) and paper (A) are distributed to 40 students of theexperiment class (EC) and 40 students of the control class (CC) to analyze whetherthe difference is significant.After that, four teachers with many years of teachingexperience are required to mark the non-multiple choice questions of the test paper (1),and two other teachers are required to mark the non-multiple choice questions of thetest paper (A). In order to ensure the authority and fairness of the test scores, all testpapers are marked by the teacher operating on the computer, and the multiple-choicequestions of the test papers are marked by the computer.


5.2 Results and Analysis on Interview

The interview was performed after the the experiment. In order to ensure thevalidity and scientific nature of the experiment,the interview was conducted in theoffice with no teachers and with the help of the author’s postgraduate classmaterecords.

The interview objective was chosen from the EC with different levels of Englishcompetence and learning interests. Student 1 usually did well in English exams. Hewas also very interested in English learning and prefer to discuss with teachers andstudents. Student 2 was also very good at English, but she was very passive and notinterested enough in English learning. The English level of student 3 was just so soand he found it a little hard to study English. Student 4 was not good at English andhis English scores usually fluctuated greatly. The English level of student 5 was lowand was not interested in English learning at all.

The questions of the interview are mainly concerning students’ learning interests,and attitudes during the teachers’ teaching process. The results and analysis are asfollows:

Question 1: Do you have any changes in the English learning with the culturalteaching methods ?

Most students with great English grade became more active in learning Englishand had learned extra new cultural knowledge about British and American Englishand other cultural differences among these countries. Some students thought that shehad worked out some problems which they didn’t figure out before and had becomemore interested in watching English movies and singing songs and would try tounderstand and practice spoken English.In a way,they could have more chance to havea presentation in the front of the class bravely to express himself.Few students whoare not good at English were more interested in the class especially when teachersintroduced some cultural knowledge background.

Chapter Six Conclusion

6.1 A brief summary of this study for English teaching in senior highschools

After 20 weeks, the two classes were given unit teaching of different types ofcourses and the experimental results were tested. The experimental data shows thatthe level of cultural awareness and English scores of the experimental class have beenimproved, and the interest in learning English and the sensitivity of cultural awarenessof the subject have been significantly enhanced. Therefore, high school Englishteaching that focuses on the cultivation of cultural awareness can improve students’interest in learning, sensitivity of cultural awareness and English performance.

The study has investigated and analyzed the current situation of culturalawareness among the teachers and students from the control class and theexperimental class. To prove the efficiency of cultural awareness teaching, the authorconducted the experiments on 80 students in a high school in Nanchang. The mainfindings and implications of the research are as follows:

From the experiment of cultural awareness teaching in this school for 20 weeks,it shows that most teachers are not really familiar with the English CurriculumStandards and even perceive the negative attitude towards the cultural awareness aimof the English Curriculum Standards. Also, the study shows the fact that they realizedthe importance of learning English culture, but in fact they did not implement the cultural teaching in class well. Thus, teachers are supposed to make good use of thecultural awareness methods for example teachers could set up the culture art festivaland lectures such as the western and Chinese traditional culture with the help of theschool. Meanwhile it is worthwhile for students to appreciate the English superbliterary works such as dramas, poems and novels in the museums. Besides, theevaluation of the English curriculum plays an important part in the English teaching.The New Curriculum Standards (Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic ofChina, P87) clearly states that evaluation is more suitable for teaching practice.Teachers should integrate evaluation into the teaching activities, tests, questionnaires,interviews and so on. At the same time, the development and progress of students arelocated in an essential position.








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