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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018052016203616160
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网
摘要:服务贸易己成为当今国际贸易中发展最为迅速的领域,日益成为开放国家经济发展的引擎。与此同时,我国成功加入WTO后,服务业和服务贸易的开放问题也日益成为我国对外开放的焦点问题。由于服务贸易是无形的,具有不可触摸性、不可储存性和不可运输性,导致出口方式多样化,因而发展服务贸易所带来的丰厚的利润以及其对一国经济的贡献日益为各国所认知。同时又由于服务贸易市场具有高度垄断性,贸易保护具有刚性和隐蔽性,服务贸易的惯例约束具有相对灵活性,这就使得深入分析服务贸易的现状和加强对服务贸易保护与开放的研究越来越具有重要的现实意义和突出的研究价值。 中国作为一个服务业和服务贸易相对落后的国家,认识服务贸易在未来经济发展中的重要作用,研究服务贸易的竞争力、服务业的合理保护与开放以及如何应对开放的大趋势,尤其具有非常重要的现实意义,能够有力地促进我国服务贸易的迅猛发展。在服务贸易己被纳入国际管理贸易体系以及各国产业高级化的内在要求下,未来大力提高服务贸易领域中的国际竞争力必然是各国贸易政策和产业政策的主要着眼点。
关键词:服务贸易 GATS 市场开放程度 服务贸易竞争力
Abstract: the trade in services has become the most rapidly developing areas of the international trade and it has become increasingly open economic development engines. Meanwhile, with China's successful accession to the WTO, services and the liberalization of trade in services would also become the focus of China's opening-up policy issues. Trade in services is due to the invisible, with untouchables, could not be stored and not transport, leading to diversification of exports and resulting in the development of trade in services arising from the huge profits and their right of contribution to a country's economy is growing cognitive to all countries. Because the services market is a high degree of monopoly, trade protection is rigid and secrecy. The services trade practices are the relative flexibility constrained, this makes in-depth analysis of the current situation of trade in services and strengthening of trade in services and protection of open increasingly important now practical significance and prominent research value. China, as the service industry and service trade is relatively backward, the understanding of the important role of trade in services in the future economic development and research on services trade competitiveness and reasonable protection services and open and how to respond to the general trend of opening up is particularly a very important practical significance, to effectively promote China's service trade develop rapidly. Trade in services has been included in the international trading system and the management of industries in the advanced countries around the inherent requirement, and greatly enhance the future of trade in services in the field of international competitiveness is bound to be the main focus of the trade policy and industrial policy. Keywords: Trade in services. GATS. Market openness. Service trade competitiveness
字数:10000字 专业是:国际经贸
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