

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018052016240016103
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网


关键词: 新疆 边境贸易 问题 对策

Xinjiang as a frontier municipality and guided by the reform and open up policy, makes full use of its geographic advantage of connecting two big markets—home and abroad and makes its frontier trade develop into an indispensable component of its social and economic life. By systematic analyses, on the basis of overall object analyses for Xinjiang's frontier trade, combining with Xinjiang’s characteristics and present request of Xinjiang’s economic development, this essay proposes that in the development of new era, Xinjiang frontier trade should stress to solve several problem's, which will provide some construction suggestions for Xinjiang's frontier trade.
In the practical study of developing Xinjiang's frontier trade, this essay analyzes to the full the current situation and existing problems on developing Xinjiang’s frontier trade, it points out that frontier trade plays an important role in the nation's and Xinjiang's social economic life. It has great influence on the nation's safety. The development of Xinjiang's frontier trade not only produces an important significance fate on the whole nation's opening to the outside and the development of local economy, but also has wide influence on the country's safety and frontier's stability. In view of social, economic and strategic significance of Xinjiang's frontier trade, it will be given all-out support by central and local government, so there will be plenty of scope for development in the new era.

Key Words: Xinjiang; frontier trade; problem; countermeasure
目      录
摘要 i
Abstract ii
一、绪论 1
(一)边境对外贸易的含义 1
(二)论文提出的背景,研究内容及意义 2
二、对外贸易对新疆经济发展的影响 3
(一)对外贸易是拉动新疆经济增长的重要因素 3
(二)对外贸易结构调整促进了新疆经济结构的发展 4
(三)对外贸易促使制度创新 4
(四)对外贸易带动收入增长和就业扩大效应 5
三、 新疆对外贸易存在的问题 5
(一)贸易规模小、商品档次低 5
(二)市场结构不合理 7
(三)信息工作滞后 7
(四)边境贸易经营环境不稳定 8
四、发展新疆边境贸易的对策 9
(一)扩大边境贸易规模、提升商品档次 9
1、扩大边境贸易的内涵 9
2、畅通路桥 9
3、开拓贸易市场 10
4、创建本地区名牌产品 10
(二)加强边境贸易立法和管理 10
(三)进一步加强边境贸易信息交流 11
(四)保持边境贸易政策的稳定 12
五、结束语 12
参考文献 13

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