

  • 论文价格:免费
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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
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  • 论文编号:el2018053117243116086
  • 日期:2018-05-16
  • 来源:上海论文网


接着系统地研究了汇率风险的内涵与具体形态, 在我国研究利用金融工具管理汇率风险的现实意义和几种最重要金融工具的应用条件、作用原理,具体分析了远期结售汇、货币互换、外汇期货、外汇期权等衍生金融工具是如何控制外贸企业汇率风险的。

关键词:汇率风险  衍生工具  货币互换

China has implemented floating exchange rate mechanism on the basis of the market supply and demand since the innovation in 2005. Both the changeable international foreign exchange market and the increase of RMB exchange rate change will definitely impose unprecedented foreign exchange exposure on large and medium scale firms involving international trade and economic cooperation. In view of the great loss incurred by firms due to unsuitable management of the foreign exchange exposure,study on how to control firms' exchanger at exposure based on application of effective technology and instrument,will be highly valuable in the academic sense and be of practical meaning. The thesis focuses on the controlling firms' exchange rate risk by means of financial derivatives trade,discussed why and how to determine the financial tool .
Methods of exchange rate risk management could be divided into two categories according to the utilization of derivatives. One is the traditional method that does not use derivatives, and the other is the opposite. Comparatively, the former has been thoroughly investigated theoretically, and is usually adopted in exchange rate risk management in China, though the management practice itself is rear; the later has been becoming the focus of researchers because of its performance risk control.
This essay analyses the Characteristics of foreign exchange risk, together with peculiarity of RMB exchange market. It also discloses corporate ruling
Problems of foreign exchange risk, studies accounting principles and procedures of confirmation, measurement, disclosure, as well as financial management strategies and methods. The aim of this essay is to provide domestic enterprises with some reference of measuring risk magnitude, making strategy and choosing hedging methods. It also suggests some ideas of risk management
The thesis, whose objective is to address the issue of exchange rate risk management with derivatives, it consists of four parts:
First it analyzes the present exchange exposure of our enterprises and the value of financial derivatives trade, and then further discusses the impact element of our exchange exposures including the awareness, relevant rules and the exchange market. And then introduces the origin, development, function and essence of the derivatives, analysis its advantage of risk management compared with the traditional methods. In the meantime, explains the essence and internal connection of risk management and derivatives, and argues that derivatives have comparative advantages in risk management. Then it systematically introduces the connotation and concrete forms of exchange rate risk.
Then we discuss the importance of application of financial instruments in China. Upon discussing of the financial instrument using condition, working theory, we then give an idea of their application in China and the hedging efficiencies and further discuss the tools such as exchange settlement and sales in future,currency swap,futures exchange,exchange option in details.
In view of the potential and great risks accompanying financial derivatives trade and horrible catastrophes resulted from abuse of derivatives trade, identification, measurement of the related risks and their appurtenant precautionary measures are discussed in the meanwhile Cases of LTCM, Barings and etc. are analyzed in depth, and related theoretic summarization in respect of risk management is made。
In order to explain the issue, with a case study,taking consideration of reality in import & export business, this article comes up with some concrete, relatively high functional methods and technology including currently carried out RMB forward transactions and currency swap which enable enterprises to choose proper management strategy and tactics in conformity with their condition to avoid foreign exchange transaction risk or minimize its impact on operation, no matter it is in the stage of convertible under current account or in the stage of completely free exchange regime in the future.
Finally, based on the realistic situation of China, it analyzes the necessity to manage exchange rate risk for domestic enterprises and introduces how to manage the exchange rate risk on the Chinese market with a case. Moreover, to the present situation and deficiency of China's exchange rate risk management, it puts forward some countermeasure against the exchange rate risk.

Key Words: Exchange rate exposure  Derivatives  currency swap
摘要 1
第一章  引言 7
第一节  研究背景 7
第二节  研究方法 8
第三节  论文结构 8
第二章  文献综述 9
第三章  我国外贸企业汇率风险的现状 11
第一节  我国外贸企业汇率风险的现状 11
一、外债原因产生的汇率风险逐渐显著 11
二、汇率风险已经成为影响外贸企业利润的重要因素 11
三、汇率风险管理水平差异较大 12
四、沿海外贸企业防范汇率风险意识强于内陆企业 13
第二节  我国外贸企业汇率风险管理存在问题的成因分析 14
一、防范外汇风险的意识较弱,缺乏外汇风险管理 14
二、中国企业的外汇风险管理面临特有的制度性约束 14
三、汇率市场发展程度和人才的制约 14
四、我国外贸企业利用衍生工具管理汇率风险的意义及问题 15
第四章  我国外贸企业基于衍生金融工具汇率风险控制的理论研究 17
第一节  我国现阶段汇率风险的特殊表现 17
一、汇率风险在我国主要表现为交易风险 17
二、经济风险日益凸现 18
第二节  金融衍生工具的产生与发展 18
第三节  金融衍生工具的功能分析 19
一、金融衍生工具的核心是风险管理 19
二、金融衍生工具在风险管理中相对传统风险管理方式的优势 21
第四节  衍生金融工具控制外贸企业汇率风险的具体分析 21
一、远期结售汇 21
二、货币互换 23
三、外汇期货 25
四、外汇期权 27
第五章  衍生金融工具控制外贸企业汇率风险案例分析 30
第一节  案例背景介绍 30
第二节  案例分析与思考 31
一、远期结售汇交易实际应用与分析 31
二、以货币互换发挥相对优势,控制筹资成本 34
结束语 38
研究结论 38
研究展望 39
参考文献 40
致谢 42


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