

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:56966
  • 论文编号:el2021122721404927956
  • 日期:2021-12-27
  • 来源:上海论文网


Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Research Background & Significance

1.1.1 Research Background

Waste is a global issue. If not properly dealt with, waste possess a threat to public healthand the environment (UNEP, 2014). The world generates 2.01 billion of municipal solidwaste annually, with at least 33% of that not managed in an environmentally safe manner.Global waste is expected to grow to 3.40 billion tones by 2050 (The World Bank, 2020).UNEP mentions in its Global Report that waste management is “a basic human need andcan also be regarded as a ‘basic human right’” as also are the access to potable water,shelter, food, etc.

When a waste generator does not know about any waste management regulation, or thislast does not even exist, the generator will tend to opt for the easiest way of getting rid oftheir waste (UNEP, 2014). This waste will end in the street, a drain, or it will be conductedto a landfill where it will be burnt to lessen the volume of big amount of garbageaccumulated. Health impacts can come directly from the organic pollutant emissions thatare highly damaging for people e’s lungs, specifically children. Floods caused by blockeddrains by waste can result in the spread of cholera, dengue fever, and more dangerousdiseases. Other diseases can be generated in the neighborhoods close to uncontrolleddumpsites where the separation of hazardous and domestic waste is not inspected.


Chapter Three: Business Environment Analysis

3.1 Introduction of the company

“EL HIERRO Compra y Venta de Desperdicios Industriales”, is the commercial name forwhat this company is known. JASACO SA de CV is the fiscal name which is the namemost of the clients use for the billing processes. For this thesis in particular the name that isgoing to be used for referring to the business will be JASACO. As mentioned before in thismonographic study, the first to start the business was Jesús Colín Ruíz in 1932. After herdaughter learned the business, she married Nahum, and together they grew the business andstarted to commercialize more materials for adding more profits. Time passed andFrancisco Jaime, the actual owner of the company, was the only son who had the intentionto continue the business. Together with his wife added even more materials tocommercialize and added more value to the actual materials for increasing the profits.

For explaining in a more detailed way how the company business model operates, therewill be developed a Business Model Canvas. The filling of every space of this chart will bedone by the author of this monographic study, and the interviews with the past and actualowners will make sure that every space is complete.

After explaining more extensively the business model of the company, an analysis of theexternal and internal elements is going to take place. It is important to mention that thefollowing models as Porter’s, PESTEL, and SWOT, are going to be filled using firstly theauthor’s experience. During the interviews, the content of the charts is going to bediscussed, corrected, and complemented with the objective of having the right informationand informing the lecturers of this study with the most accurate idea of the environment ofthe business.

Chapter Five: Recommendations for the OperationsManagement of JASACO

5.1 Getting better prices for suppliers

As of today, JASACO still sells its materials to some intermediaries. The businessoperations of these intermediaries are not any different from the one of JASACO. They buyat a cheaper price than the one they sell to a foundry or a larger deposit. Most of theselarger deposits or foundries are also known by JASACO, but the problem is that thesecompanies do not pay immediately after the delivery of the materials. This is why JASACOneeds to have a certain amount of money as a reserve, so if they want to go and sell theconsolidated cargo to a company that delay payments but have better prices, JASACOwould also be able to offer better prices to their suppliers.

Following the example previously given in Table 10, the following table will give apossible solution to JASACO pricing for their suppliers.


5.2 Providing suppliers with a friendly service

Since suppliers value highly the attention received by the owners and customers servicethis is something that needs to be enforced within the company and they should have someguidelines in place in order for the treatment given to be the same from every employee ofthe company. These guidelines would help JASACO have a better service and a more fluentoperation regarding customer service which will enhance their relationship with theirsuppliers and clients.

The second recommendation that can be made in regard to the operations is to implementmore quality tools in the company, more specifically, some type of system. Currently,JASACO has no procedure to measure the satisfaction of the suppliers. A recommendationfor tracking the improvements on the operations while attending the suppliers could be atwice-a-year survey like the one done in this research where suppliers would be asked toexpress their perception to the changes in the attention.

Another way to improve this value, is through the continuous capacitation of thepersonnel of JASACO. The business owners are continuously supervising that thepersonnel are kind and helpful to the suppliers that bring their materials. Here it is alsoimportant to mention that JASACO personnel, additionally to the service of helping themto bring the materials to the weighing machine, the personnel know that they also must helpthe supplier with the sorting of their materials. This type of service is generally notprovided in most of the recycling deposits in the zone as it takes time and effort.

Chapter Seven: Conclusions

7.1 Conclusions

As mentioned during the introduction and further in this thesis, the opportunity forimproving the operations in this industry is very big. There are numerous recycling depositsin Mexico City and in Mexico as a country that still work as a very informal company.Until today, there are not so many tools implemented on these types of companies that canimprove the operations and make them stronger and more competitive on the market of therecycling of scrap metals and plastics.

This thesis has studied the different problems the operations of a small/medium recyclingdeposit in Mexico City presents just after understanding the needs of the most importantplayer the in the market that are the suppliers. The identification of these three mostimportant elements have guided the study of the operations of JASACO and study of howto improve them in order to satisfy the needs of their suppliers and keep growing theoperations.

The survey showed us four very important values that JASACO should consider as keysuccess factors for the growing of the business. These being “Price paid for materials”,“Friendliness provided by owners” and “Immediate cash payment” in that order ofimportance. I would say that these are completely related as I have been part of thecompany for more than five years.








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