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Chapter 1 Introduction 
1.1 Research background 
The  International  Monetary Fund was built up by 44 establishing nations in the Bretton Woods meeting in 1944.The objective was to reestablish and keep up a  smooth  wrking  of  the  worldwide  fiscal  framework.  Today,  72  years  after  its establishing,  the  International  Monetary  Fund,  prуsently  speaking  to  188  part nations. The essential goal of the Fund is to guarantee the dependability of the worldwide financial framework, at the end of the day, the global arrangement of installments and trade that empowers nations and their natives to trade them. The IMF's order was upgraded in 2012 to cover the full scope of macroeconomic and monetary issues that influence worldwide steadiness. To keep up steadiness and counteract  emergencies  the  worldwide  fiscal  framework,  the  IMF  analyzes  the monetary  strategies  of  the  nation  and  the  monetary  and  money  related improvements at the national, provincial and worldwide levels, inside the formal system of its supervisory. To  equilibrate  the  parity  of  installments,  part  States  have  the  privilege  to buy  from  the  IMF  outside  cash  they  require,  paying  with  their  own  particular cash. For instance, a creating nation that motivates right to draw on the Fund may purchase dollars or euros, in return for which he should record with the base of the shares of its obligation designated in its own money. In this studу we will be constrained on a more point by point investigation of  these  adjustment  projects  of  balance  of  payment.  The  BOP  can  be characterized  as  the  factual  record  of  a  nation's  universal  exchanges  over  a specific timeframe exhibited as twofold section accounting. Madagascar's  economy  has  persevered  through  these  previous  four  years? impacts of the outside emergency aggravated by those of the inside emergency delays.  The  progressing  political  emergency  in  Madagascar  has  forced  a overwhelming toll on the economy and populace. The economy is slowed down. Neediness  has  expanded  alarmingly.  The  social  pointers  have  weakened.  The emergency has put a brake on advancement towards the long haul difficulties, for axample, poor administration and the standard of law. The capacity to adjust to outer  stuns  that  is  worldwide  emergency  is  extremely  bargained.  Framework decayed. The stalemate in the emergency will definitely prompt a disintegration of the circumstance, with serious effects in the short, medium and long haul. 
1.2 Objective and significance of the study
Talking  about  IMF  and  his  activities  is  a  fairly  hazardous  subject;  it  is without  a  doubt  to  fall  into  "fanatic"  commentator,  no  genuine  economic argument as we hear over and over again. We will concentrate our enthu siasm on first  operation  of  International  Monetary  Fund,  and  in  addition  adjustment programs  that  the  country?s  member  must  confront  all  requirements  for  IMF support.  Our  objective  additionally  has  to  review  by  ecenometric  methods  the impacts lead by stabilization program on balance of payment of Madagascar and especially  on  monetary  circumstance.  And  that,  will  allow  us  by  the  end  to formulate the result of IMF programs in Madagascar.Several  books  have  been  made  regarding  the  stabilization  program  of balance of payment, but speaking of Madagascar?s case, it is rare to find work who had the audacity to talk about the IMF program with macroeconomic model and method, which uses economic variable as method in case of Madagascar.  
Chapter 2 Stabilization program and the balance of payment
2.1 Stabilization program 
economic  crises  are  not  another  wonder  on  the  planet  economy  and  have seemed a few times amid the most recent century. The Great Depression of the 1930s  is  a  standout  amongst  the  most  well-known  ones  and  it  prompted  vast welfare  misfortunes.  Similarly  as  with  wars,  these  sorts  of  tragedies  regularly prompt  nations  meeting  up  to  team  up.  T his  was  the  situation  with  the International Monetary Fund (the IMF), a worldwide financial coordinated effort. The  points  of the  IMF's  work  are  set  wide:  "to  cultivate universal  money related collaboration,  secure  budgetary  strength,  encourage  worldwide  exchange, advance high job and supportable monetary development, and decrease neediness around the globe" (IMF 2013b).  The  essential  part  of  the  IMF  is  to  give  short  and  medium -term  money related  help to the individuals that  have  makeshift issues  with an  equalization  of balance  of  payment.  T hese  projects  offer  transient  help  to  nations  confronting balance  of  payment  issues  or  impermanent  emerge ncy.  Moreover,  they  likewise offer  auxiliary  backing  to  nations  whose  macroeconomic  strategies  keep  them from  creating.  With  most  projects  certain  strategy  conditions  are  joined  and  the advances  are  paid  in  portions.  This  implies  nations  need  to  satisfy  th e foreordained  strategy  change  criteria  with  a  specific  end  goal  to  get  further portions  (Barro  and  Lee  2003,  Prezworski  and  Vreeland  2000).  The  projects contrast  on  the  particular  conditions,  timing  and  measure  of  advance distributions.  However,  the  essen tial  destinations  of  the  advances  are  the  same: to  reestablish  financial  security,  since  it  is  a  vital  condition  for  supported economic growth (Conway 1994, Fischer 1997). 
2.2 Balance of payment 
As  characterized  in  the  BPM,  the  balance  of  payment  (BOP)  is  a  factual explanation that methodically abridges, for a particular time period, the financial exchanges  of  an  economy  with  whatever  remains  of  the  world.  Exchanges, generally  amongst  occupants  and  nonresidents,  comprise  of  those  including products,  administrations,  and  pay;  those  including  monetary  cases  on,  and liabilities to,  whatever is left of  the  world; and  those, (for  example, blessings) named  exchanges,  which  include  counterbalance  passages  to  adjust  uneven exchanges. Every part of this essential definition is hence analyzed. The balance of  payment  is  worried  with  exchanges  and  in  this  manner  manages  streams  as opposed  to  with  stocks.  That  is,  the  balance  of  payment  manages  monetary occasions  that occur amid a reference  period and  not  with remarkable  sums  of financial  resources  and  liabilities  that  exist  at  specific  minutes  in  time.  The equalization of installments additionally incorporates exchanges in a economy's outside money related resources and liabilities. These exchanges emerge frem the creation  or  termination  of  an  outside  money  related  resource  or  obligation,  or from an adjustment in the responsibility for existing outer monetary resource and risk.The  balance  of  payment  (BOP)  is  a  factual  explanation  arranged  by  the Central Bank of Madagascar (BCM) that tracks all monetary and money related exchanges amongst Madagascar and whatever remains of the world. It is set up as per the proposals of BPM5, in both the standard and the logical presentations. In the diagnostic presentation, outstanding financing exchanges shaw up on the credit  side  of  the  fitting  beneath  the  line  accounts.  The  information  are distributed in a great many SDRs. #p#分页标题#e#
Chapter 3 Repercussion of stabilization program on balance of payment........... 33 
3.1.1 Economic situation of Madagascar ...... 33 
3.2.1 Description of the methods and models ....... 38 
3.2.2 Econometric estimations and interpretation of results ........ 41 
3.4 SUMMARY .... 50 
Chapter 4 Strategies to equilibrate the balance of payments in Madagascar ...... 51 
4.1 MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES .......... 51 
4.1.1 Management strategy of Madagascar .......... 51 
4.1.2 Content of the National Sustainable Development Strategy ....... 52 
4.1.3 Foreign exchange management strategies ........... 57 
4.1.4 Foreign exchange reserves management strategies ..... 59
4.3 SUMMARY .... 66 
Chapter 4 Strategies to equilibrate the balance of payments in Madagascar 
4.1 Management strategies 
Madagascar  is  the  fjurth  bigg est  island  on  the  planet,  situated  in  the Southern  piece  of  Africo,  400km  from  Mozambique  cost.  In  the  past  a  free kingdom,  Madagascar  turned  into  a  French  state  in  1886  however  recaptured autonomy in 1960. In  2002,  the  Malagasy GDP  was  measured at $12.59  billion  (PPP)  with a genuine development rate of  –11.9% because of the political emergency. Gross domestic  product  per  capita  in  2002  was  $800.  Commitments  to  GDP  include farming  (27.4%),  indutrу  (12.8%)  and  administrations  (59.8%).  Agribusiness utilizes  80%  of  the  populace.  Export  profit  are  principally  earned  in  the  little modern segment. Out of an aggregate populace of 16.4 million in 2002, 71% are evaluated to live beneath the national destitution line. The UNDP Human Poverty Index  for  Madagascar  is 35.9,  setting the  nation as  the 57th  poorest among 94 creating nations (World Bank 2003a; UNDP 2003; CIA 2004). In 1992 -1993, free presidential and National Assembly decisions were held, finishing 17  years  of  single-gathering  communist  standard. The  constitution  of the third republic embraced in 1992 accommodates the partition of forces among the official, administrative, and legal branches of government and the formation of  a  multiparty  political  framework.  The  2001  presidential  decision  was challenged between Didier Ratsiraka the pioneer amid the 1970ies and 1980ies and  Marc  Ravalomanana,  almost  creating  withdrawal  of  half  of  the  nation.  In April  2002,  the  High  Constitutional  Court  reported  Ravalomanana  the  victor (CIA  2004).With  a  Human  Development  Index   (HDI)  of  0.468  in  2001, Madagascar is positioned 149th out 175 nations characterized (UNDP 2003:239). 
The  International  Monetary  Fund  is  a  worldwide  association  established  in 1944.  It  points  was  to  balance  out  exchange  rates  and  give  credits  to  nations  in need. IMF produces provides details regarding member countries? economies and propose  regions  of  shortcoming  or  conceivable  danger.  The  thought  is  to  chip away at emergency aversion by highlighting territories of economic awkwardness. IMF's  capacity  is  to  promote  exchange  rate  stability,  to  manage  the  problem  on Balance  of  Payments  and  help  deal  with  economic  crisis  by  giv ing  universal coordination.  T he  IMF  has  $300  billion  of  loanable  assets.  This  originates  from part  nations  who  deposit  a  specific  sum  on  joining.  In  times  of  financial  and economic  emergency,  the IMF  might  will  to  make accessible  credits  as a  feature of  a  budgetary  readjustment.  T he  IMF  has  organized  more  than  $180  billion  in bailout bundles following 1997.  The  crumbling  of the  Malagasy  economy  that  topped in  the 1980s  is  plainly exhibited  by  the  development  of  balance  of  payments  issues  and  a  developing obligation load. T hat  balance  of  payment issue  incite as to analyze  the  impact  of stabilization  program  imposed  by  IMF  on  balance  of  payment  in  Madagascar case.  After  used  the  polak  model  as  analysis  method,  Gross  Domestic  Product (Y), imports  (M),  money  su pply (MO), and Change in  Net  Foreign asset (CNFA) supposed endogenous variable. Exports (X), capital movement (CM) and Change in Net Domestic Credit (CNDC) supposed as exogenous variable to the model.  Regression  results  of  Equations  (9)  and  (11)  point  out  that  changes  in exports, capital movements and credit at the same time have an important impact on GDP and imports.  Because  these  three  variables are  self -contained part  of the money  supply,  legitimate  management  of  them  would  serve  as  a  significant financial apparatus which can realize a solid BOP position and economic growth. Our  study  demonstrate  that  the  advantage  got  from  collection  of  reserves  is  not without  expenses.  Results  in  Table  1  (appendix  I)  have  demonstrated  that  BOP surplus is connected wit h lower GDP than at the balance. 
The reference (omitted)
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