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  • 作者:上海论文网
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  • 论文编号:el2018052623192610469
  • 日期:2018-05-15
  • 来源:上海论文网
摘  要:按揭在英美法系国家是一种以转移所有权为特征的担保制度,我国内地引入的按揭制度溶入了中国特色,从而与英美国家及我国香港地区的按揭制度有所差异。内地法学界对按揭制度存在较大分歧。由于立法的不健全,加之按揭制度方面的理论准备不足,所以在实践中引发了诸多争议,给司法、执法都带来了相当的难度。本文正是基于这样的社会背景,试图通过考察内地的商品房买卖按揭实践,明晰按揭法律制度的理论框架,探讨期房按揭贷款银行债权的风险及其法律保障,对于改革中的商业银行预防风险、保护债权是有着重大理论价值和实践意义的。
Abstract :Mortgage in common law countries is a security system which transfers title to。 The introduction of the mortgage system into the Mainland of China has Chinese characteristics, so as there are differences between the Anglo-American countries and China's Hong Kong mortgage system。 Mainland law experts have greater differences on the mortgage system. The legislation is not perfect, and the theoretical aspects of the mortgage system are inadequately prepared, in practice it causes a lot of controversies, and have brought quite difficulties to the judicial law enforcement。 This paper is based on the social background, to study the Mainland through the sale of real estate mortgage practice, clarity mortgage theoretical framework of the legal system, analyze Forward House mortgage bank debts, the risks, and legal protection。 It is great value and major theoretical and practical significance for the reform of commercial banks in risk prevention and protection claims。
    This paper is divided into five sections.
    The first chapter outlines the mortgage for Forward House, starting with etymology from the mortgage, the mortgage is different from that of Anglo-American law and the laws of Hong Kong mortgage, in the introduction to the legal system of China's new transformation, and in-depth analysis of China's mortgage legal characteristics and legal relationships, the last stands that Chinese Forward House legal nature in ...................................

目   录
摘  要 3
引  言 7
第一章  期房按揭概述 9
一、期房释义 9
二、按揭释义 10
(一)按揭的词源 10
(二)我国按揭的含义 10
三、期房按揭法律关系 11
(一)期房按揭法律关系 11
(二)期房按揭的法律特征 12
第二章 期房按揭之法律属性 13
第三章 期房按揭银行权益实现的风险 16
一、期房按揭银行的权益 16
(一)主债权 16
第四章 期房按揭银行权益的实现 21
一、期房按揭银行的风险防范 21
(一)重点防范虚假按揭 21
二、期房按揭银行权益的法律保障措施 24
第五章 我国期房按揭制度的展望 27
一、我国期房按揭的立法完善 27
(一)完善现有专门规范按揭的行政法规和部门规章 27
(二)建立和完善相关配套制度 27
二、《物权法》生效后对期房按揭的影响 30

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