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  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:161
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  • 论文编号:el201505052216176503
  • 日期:2015-05-04
  • 来源:上海论文网

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background
Second Language (English) Teaching has been experiencing a boom forapproximately three decades in China. To much extent. During the process of teachingand learning Second Language in the college he traditional teaching models ignoremany potentials and need of teachers and learners who are independent and different;ignore the multilateral and multi-channel interactions that appear among teachers andlearners at English class; and also ignore the nature of language as a communicative tool.Focusing on the low oral proficiency of the second language learners, teachers need tostudy and explore the advanced teaching methods to bring teaching designs greatly intoeffect. Therefore,more and more education reforms have been undertaken in order topromote the effectiveness of English teaching throughout China. The teaching ideas arepartly changed with the introduction of the New English Curriculum Criteria(ECC). Itwas developing learners' motivation that deserves much attention. The researchers andteachers have explored and tried various teaching methods,some of which have beenproved to be successful. The testing systems have been adjusted, syllabus has beenrevised, and English textbooks have been renewed. The College English Syllabusclaimed that "the classroom is an important place for learners to practise their language.Classroom teaching have to expand learners' knowledge, improve their ability oflanguage appliance, and help them to bring up good habits and capabilities of study.⑴Nowadays, college English teaching is turning from teacher-orientation intolearner-orientation. Furthermore, as the ability of language appliance in the changingneighborhood is paid more and more attention, it is considered that English is kind of apractical course.

1.2 Research questions in this thesis
It used to be widely acknowledged that the atmosphere of the college secondlanguage learning is dull and stressful. Merely voluntary response are from learners toteacher's talk. The learners are conditioned to listen silently and overlooking how hardthe teachers* trying. The passivity is found everywhere throughout the process of learning. The class lacks of vigor. Hence the enthusiasm of both teachers and learners isbadly frustrated; both teaching and learning are getting fewer and poorer results. How tomaintain the learners* focus and keep the class intellectually engaged? How to preventtheir attention from drifting away? How to encourage them engage into the classactivities, and transform teacher's lessons into more interactive sessions? The author isdelight to share some teaching strategies with you, and wishes you will find some ofthese ideas useful. Following are key questions have been discussed:
(1)Between motivation and interactive teaching, What is the connection?
(2)What is the present state in college English class?
(3) What do the term of motivation and interactive teaching mean?
(4) As an English teacher. How to apply the theories to help learners stimulatemotivation and learn automatically and effectively?
(5) Theories and studies on motivation and interactive teaching class

Chapter Two Literature Review

2.1 Overseas Research Status
1970 University of Michigan professor Palin Kisa inspired to build theoriesproposed "interactive classroom ” concept. Think teaching should continue to activelyconstruct their own students, and students continue to construct their own supportbracket teaching students learning process based. And thus to a student-centered,students change from passive recipients of external stimuli for the main body ofinformation processing. In the 1980s, the theory has been formed on the basis of thedevelopment of interactive teaching theory, emphasizing the variety of uses for manypurposes and learning foreign languages, emphasizing the teaching should bepeople-oriented, student-centered classroom organization should, teacher'sresponsibility is to provide students with communicative scene, occasion, help studentscreatively and freely express and exchange their ideas and thoughts. This difference inthe learning community constitutes a valuable curriculum resources. These resourcesonly through a personal vision of collective complex learning situations, assumptions orlearner individuals solve their own problems about the possibility to communicate,discuss community in order to be recognized and enjoy all the members, thuscontributing to all learners improve the ability of the construction of meaning.

2.2 Domestic Research Status.
China from the late 1980s began to introduce and experimental study of interactivelearning. Domestic research on teacher-student interaction teaching,research mainlyseen among the teacher-student relationship, mostly Discussion on interactive activitiesbetween teachers and students. More features interactive classroom behavior model et aldiscuss the type of classroom interactions and built. On the basis of empirical researchon teacher-student interaction patterns do a deep analysis. In the field of sociology,researchers are mainly from the course of conduct between the roles and mutualunderstanding of the perspective of the teacher-student interaction. Here, the classroomis seen as micro-society, and classroom teaching process is a process of interactionbetween various roles in the classroom. Because of the institutional role of the teacher, the process of teacher-student interaction produced different types of interactions. In theeducation field, researchers are mainly from the perspective of students and teachers tounderstand and explain the relationship between teacher and student interaction.Teacher-student interaction is reflected in teacher-student relationship dynamics,establishing teacher-student relationship, development and change is in the process ofteacher-student interaction in real epistemology of view, that embodies ateacher-student relationship between subject and object in the teaching process. Inaddition, from an engineering point of view also using systems engineering analysismethods to teachers, students and materials to build a three-dimensional coordinatesystem factors in teaching and learning activities,teacher-student classroom interactionmodel formed. At the same time there are a lot of researchers have studied a variety ofEnglish writing skills and how to improve students' writing skills,and so on.

Chapter Three Theoretical Foundation......... 9
3.1 Theories and Studies on Interactive Teaching in Class......... 9
3.2 Theories and Studies on Motivation in Foreign Language Learning......... 17
Chapter Four Present Study of Motivation and Interactive Teaching .........21
4.1 The aim and subjects of this study .........21
4.2 The methods and the process of the research......... 22
4.3 Data collection and analysis......... 23
4.4 Finding......... 27
Chapter Five The Influence Factors on the Implementation......... 28
5.1 The cultivation of students learning motivation......... 28
5.2 To improve their professional accomplishment.........30
5.3 Strengthen the practice teaching ability.........31

Chapter Five The Influence Factors on the Implementation of Interactive Teaching in English

5.1 The cultivation of students learning motivation
Foreign language education psychology thinks what the most effective method oflearning a foreign language is to let them concentrate,actively involved in languagelearning, inspire and cultivate students' English motives, set teaching goals clearly,stimulate and maintain students' learning motivation, guide them to utilize the scientificcognitive learning strategies, and eventually achieve the best effect of English learning.Learning motivation is caused by the students' learning needs, thus directlypromote the inner power of learning, namely, the subjective reason of doing andmaintaining learning activities. According to the long-term of learning, motivation canbe divided into 2 aspects: distant motivation and proximal motivation. Distantmotivation has stability. It is a kind of power that persistently promote learning and cannot be easily changed by the accidental factors in the situation. For example: in order toserve the motherland, or in order to become a useful person of the country, etc.Proximal motivation is one that related to learning activities and results. Suchmotivation is close to reality and effective, but it works very short and unstable withgreat situational characteristics. However it is easy to disappear due to situationalchanges. For example: in order to cope with exams, to get good grades, or to continuestudies,etc. A kind of good learning motivation should not only have prospect targets,but pragmatic and concrete shot-term goals. This motivation can truly promote peopleto constantly study.



In the light of the properties of dynamic context, the mode of "macro-interaction Mpresented in this thesis is between context construction and verbal communication,which is one of the most important properties of human daily communication. As auniversal property, this "interaction “ could be employed to demonstrate different formsof human communication, among which its applications in EFL teaching have beenfully elaborated.First of all,this thesis first made a general review of both static context anddynamic context and demonstrated the finance of implementing dynamic context incollege EFL classroom. In order to make the discussion convincing, some part of theTheory of Adaptation is quoted as theoretical foundation to study the present topic andthen the properties of context are unfolded, too. After studying the strategies of how toconstruct dynamic context in daily communication by direct and indirect means in partfour, an empirical research is done on this classroom interaction to prove theoreticallyand practically that the mode of "macro-interaction “ is effective to construct anoptimum context in class if it could be handled appropriately, which could stimulate theinteraction between teacher and learners, learners and learners in classroom. Sinceteachers will intentionally construct an optimum context or manipulate the classroomcontext toward an ideal direction through specifically designed communicativeactivities with learners who will then adjust their immediate output for bettercooperation in class.#p#分页标题#e#
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