

  • 论文价格:150
  • 用途: 硕士毕业论文 Master Thesis
  • 作者:上海论文网
  • 点击次数:1
  • 论文字数:38555
  • 论文编号:
  • 日期:2022-06-04
  • 来源:上海论文网



1.1.1  SMEs in China and Peru

Since the economic reformation in China, SMEs have become one of the driving forces in the economy. In 2019, the number of SMEs was estimated to be over 38 million. SMEs in China represent more than 90 percent of the enterprises and contribute over 60 percent to the GDP, over  70  percent  to  patents,  and  account  for  80  percent  of  nationwide  jobs  in  the  country (Textor, 2021). To support the growth of SMEs, the Chinese government decided to reduce the  targeted  reserve  requirement  ratio  and  readjust  tax  policies  in  early  2019.  In  Chinese spectacular  economic  development,  SMEs  have  60%  contribution  to  GPD,  a  significant contribution to employment especially in urban areas (Zhang & Xia, 2014). Similarly,  SMEs  in  Peru  is  one  of  the  most  important  economic  players  in  creating  jobs, economic  development  and  alleviating  poverty.  In  Peru,  Law  No.  30056  establishes  the parameters  that  determine  the  business  size:  microenterprises  are  companies  whose  annual sales are not greater than 150 Peruvian Tax Units (UITs); small companies have annual sales in the range of 150 and 1,700 UITs; and medium-sized companies have annual sales greater than  1,700  but  less  than  2,300  UITs  (Ximena  &  Daniel,  2021).  In  Peru,  99.6%  of  formal businesses are characterized as SMEs, which contributed 30.7% of the domestic added value and generated 89.1% of private sector employment in 2018 (Romero, 2021). In Peru, MSMEs face  great  and  common  challenges,  such  as  the  lack  of  measurement  and  management systems  -  their  empirical  functionality  being  focused  on  daily  necessities  and  a  few differentiating characteristics to compete against, among others. Overall, it can be concluded that  SMEs  in  China  and  Peru play  a  fundamental  role  in  enhancing  economic  development and social welfare of both developing countries. 



A  research  philosophy  sets  the  researcher's  belief  that  determines  the  appropriate  way  to collect,  analyse  and  use  data  about  a  given  phenomenon.  According  to  Kilduff,  Mehra  and Dunn (2011), the research philosophy of science can be viewed from two perspectives. First, ontological  perspective  explains  how  research  philosophy  deals  with  basic  questions  of meaning  and  whether  scientific  theory  reflects  reality  or  how  we  perceive  reality.  Second, epistemological  perspective  that  determines  how  knowledge  is  gained  and  what  is  the relationship between knowledge and truth. It was argued that it is necessary for researchers to adopt  a  particular  methodological  camp  when  conducting  research.  According  to  Mangan, Lalwani  and  Gardner  (2004),  people  perceive  reality  differently  and  researchers  adopt  a research  philosophy  based  on  their  paradigm  preferences.  In  this  vein,  there  are  four  main research philosophies, positivism, postpositivism, constructivism and pragmatic paradigms. 

This research follows Miller and Tsang (2010) post positivism philosophy. Authors supports theorizing  proposing  mechanisms  that  explain  events  and  have  addressed  four complementary  steps  for  strategic  management  theory  testing  namely,  identify  the hypothesized  mechanisms,  test  for  the  presence  of the  mechanisms  in  the  empirical  setting, test isolated causal relations using experimental or quasi-experimental methods, and test the theoretical system using correlation methods. 


4.1 SMEs’ Profile

Chapter  four  presents  the  results  of  the  study.  This  research  intended  to  examine  the  direct impact of financial literacy and SMEs financial performance. In addition, the study examined the influence of networking competencies on SMEs financial performance. Further, the study examined  the  moderating  role  of  market  orientation  on  the  relationship  between  financial literacy,  networking  competencies  and  SMEs  financial  performance.  Descriptive  statisctics using  frequency  and  percentages  were  used  to  report  the  details  of  respondents  profile. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using Smart-PLS was used to analyze the direct effect and moderating effect.

Table  4.1  lists  the  details  of  respondnets:  SME  age  group,  size,  type  of  industry,  and managers’ years of work experience. The fundamental business activities for Chinese SMEs were dominated by manufacturing and retailing (42% and 29% respectively) while Peruvian SMEs  were  equally  involved  in  manufacturing  and  retailing  business  (32%  and  31% respectively). Majority of Chinese SMEs managers possess work experience ranging between 11-20  years  (40%)  and  more  than  20  years  (41%).  Similarly,  47%  of  Peruvian  SMEs’ managers have 11-20 work experience and 36% have more than 20 years of work experience. For educational background, 69 % of Peruvian managers hold undergraduate degree followed by  27%  holding  master  degree  while  58%  of  Chinese  managers  hold  undergraduate  degree and  33%  have  master  degree.  For  firm  size,  approximately  42%  of  Chinese  SMEs  have 100-150 employees followed by 28% of SMEs with 51-100 employees. In the Peruvian case, 37% of SMEs have 100-150 employees followed by 35% with 51-100 employees.


4.2 Assessment of Structural Model

The  data  analysis  used  two  main  phases:  assessment  and  evaluation  of  structural  model  as explained in subsequent sections. The proposed research model and research hypotheses were tested  using  Partial  Least  Squares  (PLS)  and  employing  Smart-PLS  3.2.3  software  (Ringle, Wende, & Becker, 2015). PLS-SEM has gained a remarkable attention and is commonly used to test cause-effect-relationships due to its simplicity and effectiveness to estimate paths for complex models such as mediating, moderating, and hierarchical models (Hair et al., 2014). There  are  four  steps  used  to  predict  and  evaluate  the  model  parameters  including identification  of  construct  composite  scores,  correcting  construct  attenuation,  estimating parameter  and  bootstrapping  (Henseler  et  al.,  2016).  The  evaluation  of  the  measurement model was performed through testing hypotheses based on the significance level of regression analysis.

4.2.1 Reliability and Validity of Constructs

Table 4. 2 reports the descriptive statistics, composite reliability (CR), and average variance extracted (AVE) for the latent variables. Researchers need to ensure the reliability and validity of constructs before embarking on data analysis. Guided by the use of SEM method through Smart-Pls,  this  research  assessed  construct  reliability  based  on  Cronobach  alpha  and composite  reliability  composite  reliability  values  of 0.7  or higher  are  considered  reliable  as indicated by (Hair et al 2014). 




This chapter presents the discussion and concluding part of conducting this research. It begins by comparing the research findings with existing literature followed by introducing a brief of key  research  findings.  Based  on  the  results  of  the  study,  this  chapter  withdraws  a  set  of theoretical  and  managerial  implications,  research  limitations  and  identifies  areas  of  further research. 

Pertaining  to  examining  the  relationship  between  financial  literacy  and  SMEs  financial performance of SMEs in China and Peru, a positive significant association was reported. Such findings  are  compatible  with  Agyapong  and  Attram  (2019)  who  indicated  that  financial literacy and a firm's financial performance are closely related and recommended policymakers to  create  a  program  and  platform  aimed  at  improving  the  financial  literacy  of  these owner-managers in order to help their businesses perform better. Similarly, Kulathunga et al (2020); Agyei (2018); and Lusardi and Mitchell (2014) showed that financial literacy improves SMEs' performance and resource management. Further, Jemal (2019) underlined that financial literacy skills such as debt management, budgeting, saving and accounting have a favorable and considerable impact on the financial performance of medium-sized businesses. Moreover, Tuffour et al. (2020) argued that firm financial performance is positively inked with financial literacy.








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